Koh Lanta is the closest island to the famous dive sites Hin Daeng (Red Rock) and Hin Muang (Purple Rock). These dive sites are known as one of the best dive sites in Thailand. Manta rays and Whale sharks are regularly seen here from February through April.
There are no dive sites and interesting snorkeling spots close to Lanta. You need to go on a boat trip to reach them, but it's worth the effort. The Andaman sea contains many different marine life species and you can expect to see a lot of them. For sure you are going to see different types of clownfish, butterflyfish, damselfishes, fusiliers, groupers, snappers and trevallies. Futhermore you have a realistic chance to see turtles, the yellow boxfish, an octopus, the scribbled filefish, the giant moray, nudibranchs, the black spotted puffer, lion fish and the titan triggerfish.
Yellowtail clownfish
Amphiprion clarkii
Tiago Sa Brito (C) All rights reserved
Clown anemonefish
Amphiprion ocellaris
Richard Whitcombe (C) All rights reserved
Bluering angelfish
Pomacanthus annularis
Nantawat (C) All rights reserved
Emperor angelfish (adult)
Pomacanthus imperator
stephan kerkhofs (C) All rights reserved
Great barracuda
Sphyraena barracuda
aquapix (C) All rights reserved
Blackfin barracuda
Sphyraena qenie
Rich Carey (C) All rights reserved
Orbicular batfish (adult)
Platax orbicularis
James A Dawson (C) All rights reserved
Moontail bullseye
Priacanthus hamrur
Derek Keats (CC: BY)

Marine life of Thailand
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Marine life of Thailand
Fluted giant clam
Tridacna squamosa
Paul and Jill (CC: BY)
Tropical striped triplefin
Helcogramma striata
C.K.Ma (C) All rights reserved
Yellow boxfish (adult)
Ostracion cubicus
Dray van Beeck (C) All rights reserved
Yellow boxfish (juvenile)
Ostracion cubicus
Stubblefield Photography (C) All rights reserved
Two-lined monocle bream
Scolopsis bilineata
orlandin (C) All rights reserved
Threadfin butterflyfish
Chaetodon auriga
Luiz A. Rocha (C) All rights reserved
Lined butterflyfish
Chaetodon lineolatus
Rich Carey (C) All rights reserved
Copperband butterflyfish
Chelmon rostratus
Ian Scott (C) All rights reserved
Pennant coralfish
Heniochus acuminatus
Kristina Vackova (C) All rights reserved
Large toothed cardinalfish
Cheilodipterus macrodon
Levent Konuk (C) All rights reserved
Smooth sea fan
Annella mollis
Derek Keats (CC: BY)
Bubble coral
Plerogyra sinuosa
NOAA Photo Library (CC: BY)
Tiger cowrie
Cypraea tigris
Vlad61 (C) All rights reserved
Whitespotted hermit
Dardanus megistos
orlandin (C) All rights reserved
Porcelain crab
Neopetrolisthes maculatus
Tim Sheerman-Chase (CC: BY)
Pharaoh cuttlefish
Sepia pharaonis
Rich Carey (C) All rights reserved
Scissortail sergeant
Abudefduf sexfasciatus
Kristina Vackova (C) All rights reserved
Indo-Pacific sergeant
Abudefduf vaigiensis
serg_dibrova (C) All rights reserved
Blue green damselfish
Chromis viridis
brian.gratwicke (CC: BY)
Spotted eagle ray
Aetobatus narinari
Ethan Daniels (C) All rights reserved
Scribbled leatherjacket filefish
Aluterus scriptus
Al@in76 (CC: BY)
Flowery flounder
Bothus mancus
Ocean Image Photography (C) All rights reserved
Warty frogfish (adult - yellowish)
Antennarius maculatus
Ye Choh Wah (C) All rights reserved
Goldband fusilier
Pterocaesio chrysozona
stephan kerkhofs (C) All rights reserved
Tags: Marine life, Fish, Coral, Fishcard, Fishslate, Scuba diving, Snorkeling, Underwaterphotography, Uwphotography, Reeflife, MyFishGallery.
Marine life tags: Whale shark, Giant manta, Green turtle, Titan triggerfish, Clown anemonefish (a.k.a. Clownfish, Nemo), Great barracuda, Yellow boxfish, Ribbontail stingray (a.k.a. Blue spotted stingray), Yellowmargin triggerfish, Orbicular batfish, Harlequin sweetlips, Christmas tree worm, Giant moray, Snowflake moray, Bearded scorpionfish, Black-blotched porcupinefish (a.k.a. Pufferfish), Nudibranchs, Yellowface angelfish, Copperband butterflyfish, Indo-pacific sergeant, Warty frogfish, Blackspotted puffer, Zebra shark.
Locationtags: Koh Lanta, Andaman Sea, Thailand, Diving Koh Lanta, Diving Andaman Sea, Diving Thailand, Diving Thailand, Marine life Koh Lanta, Marine life Andaman Sea, Snorkeling Koh Lanta, Snorkeling Andaman Sea, Holiday Koh Lanta.